Sunday 24 October 2021

Material and Spiritual People

Material and Spiritual People

The Material Person Considers  this World is GOLD.

And everything else is Garbage.🔥

The Spiritual Person Considers this World is Garbage 🔥

And the  LIFE after Death is  Great and Good.

But BOTH  Agree  that  TIME of LIFE on Earth  is  Very SHORT !!!! 📌📌📌📌

Life is Short !!!

LIFE Time is Very SHORT.!!!!


But BOTH  Agree  that  TIME of LIFE on Earth  is  Very SHORT !!!!

But BOTH  Agree  that  TIME of LIFE on Earth  is  Very SHORT !!!!

Saturday 23 October 2021

Weekly Time Distribution

Weekly Time Distribution.
Total hours..24 X7= 168 hours
Business Work... 6X7= 42 hours
Salah  and  Sleep.....6X7 = 42 hours
Food and Fitness..7 hours
Social Clubs.....  14 hour                                
Balance. .. 168 - 105 = 63 hours


Friday 22 October 2021

Time Distribution

Time Distribution 📌🌶️

Daily Reservation 🌶️📌

SALAH and SLEEP...... 6 hours Daily

Business Work............. 6 hours Daily

The rest  12 hours  Daily

You do everything else...

Preparing for many activities and events

Shopping , Eating , Food , Fitness...etc


Thursday 14 October 2021

Just 10 Decades... Life Time

 Just 10 Decades... Life Time













Thursday 7 October 2021



a period of 1,000 years. The Gregorian calendar, put forth in 1582 and subsequently adopted by most countries, did not include a year 0 in the transition from BC (years before Christ) to AD (those since his birth). Thus, the 1st millennium is defined as spanning years 1–1000 and the 2nd the years 1001–2000. Although numerous popular celebrations marked the start of the year 2000, the 21st century and 3rd millennium AD began on January 1, 2001