Tuesday 26 March 2019



\ ˈwərk  \
worked\ ˈwərkt  \ or wrought\ ˈrȯt  \working

Definition of work

 (Entry 1 of 3)
1ato perform work or fulfill duties regularly for wages or salaryworks in publishing
bto perform or carry through a task requiring sustained effort or continuous repeated operationsworked all day over a hot stove
cto exert oneself physically or mentally especially in sustained effort for a purpose or under compulsion or necessity
2to function or operate according to plan or designhinges work better with oil
3to produce a desired effect or result SUCCEEDa plan that will work
4to exert an influence or tendency
5ato make way slowly and with difficulty move or progress laboriouslyworked up to the presidency
bto sail to windward
6ato move slightly in relation to another part
bto get into a specified condition by slow or imperceptible movementsthe knot worked loose
cto be in agitation or restless motion
7to permit of being worked react in a specified way to being workedthis wood works easily
1to set or keep in motion, operation, or activity cause to operate or producea pump worked by handwork farmland
2to bring to pass EFFECTwork miracles
3to solve (a problem) by reasoning or calculation often used with out
4ato cause to toil or laborworked their horses nearly to death
bto make use of EXPLOIT
cto control or guide the operation ofswitches are worked from a central tower
5ato carry on an operation or perform a job through, at, in, or alongthe peddler worked the cornera sportscaster hired to work the game
bto greet and talk with in a friendly way in order to ingratiate oneself or achieve a purposepoliticians working the crowdworked the room
6to pay for or achieve with labor or serviceworked my way through collegeworked my way up in the company
7ato prepare for use by stirring or kneading
bto bring into a desired form by a gradual process of cutting, hammering, scraping, pressing, or stretchingwork cold steel
8ato fashion or create a useful or desired product by expending labor or exertion on FORGESHAPEwork flint into tools
bto make or decorate with needleworkespecially EMBROIDER
9ato get (oneself or an object) into or out of a condition or position by gradual stages
bCONTRIVEARRANGEwe can work it so that you can take your vacation
10aEXCITEPROVOKEworked myself into a rage
bto practice trickery or cajolery on for some endworked the management for a free ticket
work on

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